Cygwin How To Install Python Modules

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Although Python’s extensive standard library covers many programming needs,there often comes a time when you need to add some new functionality to yourPython installation in the form of third-party modules. This might be necessaryto support your own programming, or to support an application that you want touse and that happens to be written in Python.

Cygwin Python Package

  1. Easyinstall is part of the setuptools package. This package is provided by cygwin. To install it, rerun the cygwin setup.exe installer, and at the package selection step, tick 'Python/python-setuptools'. The easyinstall script has the version number attached. Instead of running easyinstall, run easyinstall-2.7 or easyinstall-3.4 (or whatever x.y version of Python you have installed).
  2. Installing Packages¶. This section covers the basics of how to install Python packages. It’s important to note that the term “package” in this context is being used to describe a bundle of software to be installed (i.e. As a synonym for a distribution).
  3. The problem is an old one though, and the fix is quite old as well, and backportable to other Python versions. Regardless, if you want to use pyenv to build Python on Cygwin, there have been many patches needed for Python on Cygwin across different versions, and you may need to apply several of them for each Python version you want to install.

Pip is the most popular tool and the command used to install 3rd party packages into Python. Pip can be used for both PYython2 and Python3. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install a specific version of a Python package with the pip command.

In the past, there has been little support for adding third-party modules to anexisting Python installation. With the introduction of the Python DistributionUtilities (Distutils for short) in Python 2.0, this changed.

This document is aimed primarily at the people who need to install third-partyPython modules: end-users and system administrators who just need to get somePython application running, and existing Python programmers who want to add somenew goodies to their toolbox. You don’t need to know Python to read thisdocument; there will be some brief forays into using Python’s interactive modeto explore your installation, but that’s it. If you’re looking for informationon how to distribute your own Python modules so that others may use them, seethe Distributing Python Modules manual.

Best case: trivial installation¶

How To Install Python On Windows 10

In the best case, someone will have prepared a special version of the moduledistribution you want to install that is targeted specifically at your platformand is installed just like any other software on your platform. For example,the module developer might make an executable installer available for Windowsusers, an RPM package for users of RPM-based Linux systems (Red Hat, SuSE,Mandrake, and many others), a Debian package for users of Debian-based Linuxsystems, and so forth.

In that case, you would download the installer appropriate to your platform anddo the obvious thing with it: run it if it’s an executable installer, rpm--install it if it’s an RPM, etc. You don’t need to run Python or a setupscript, you don’t need to compile anything—you might not even need to read anyinstructions (although it’s always a good idea to do so anyways).

Of course, things will not always be that easy. You might be interested in amodule distribution that doesn’t have an easy-to-use installer for yourplatform. In that case, you’ll have to start with the source distributionreleased by the module’s author/maintainer. Installing from a sourcedistribution is not too hard, as long as the modules are packaged in thestandard way. The bulk of this document is about building and installingmodules from standard source distributions.

The new standard: Distutils¶

If you download a module source distribution, you can tell pretty quickly if itwas packaged and distributed in the standard way, i.e. using the Distutils.First, the distribution’s name and version number will be featured prominentlyin the name of the downloaded archive, e.g. Drivers for windows 10. foo-1.0.tar.gz Next, the archive will unpack into a similarly-nameddirectory: foo-1.0 or widget-0.9.7. Additionally, thedistribution will contain a setup script, and a file namedREADME.txt or possibly just README, which should explain thatbuilding and installing the module distribution is a simple matter of running

If all these things are true, then you already know how to build and install themodules you’ve just downloaded: Run the command above. Unless you need toinstall things in a non-standard way or customize the build process, you don’treally need this manual. Or rather, the above command is everything you need toget out of this manual.


Pip is the most popular tool and the command used to install 3rd party packages into Python. pip can be used for both PYython2 and Python3. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install a specific version of a Python package with the pip command.

Before installing a specific version of the Python package we can search the package for its complete name and version information. We will use search command in this example.

We can show the Python package information like name, version, etc. The inversion information is important because we will install a specific version or downgrade the Python package.

We will install a specific version of the Django Python package with pip. We will specify the version we want to install with the equal sign. In this example, we will install the Django version 2.2.1 which is not recent. We will use a double equation sign to specify the version. We will also use the --user option in order to prevent other system users package downgrade. This will only affect the current user.

Open dmg file windows xp

Install Modules Python Windows

From the screenshot, we see that the currently installed recent Django version is uninstalled automatically.

Cygwin How To Install Python Modules Linux

In the previous example, we have installed a specific django version. But we can also specify the version range with the >= or <=. This will select the latest version which complies with the given expression and install it.

If there are some minor problems related to the installation, dependency, etc. We can force the installation with the --force-reinstall option.

We can also remove the specific package version with the pip command. There is a different alternative. As only a single version can be installed at the same time different version installation will uninstall currently installed version.