Csv To Excel Python Downloadbackstage

I have written a Python code (below) that reads a self-updating, real-time Excel (.xlsm) and converts it into a CSV every 1 second. But the code doesn't seem to overwrite the previous excel with the newer one, which it should do.

  • A python tool for batch importing excel/csv files into mysql database. Usage: You need to edit config.ini first. Please read the comment in config.ini. You must edit the server you will create database on and import excel to. Python E: Python Project python-excelimporter interface.py. The problem solved by tool when we import excel into mysql.
  • In this tutorial we will create Import CSV File To Tkinter Table Using Python. Python has a design philosophy which emphasizes code readability. Python is very easy to learn the syntax emphasizes readability and it can reduces time consuming in developing.
  • Working with CSV files is simple in Python. Today we will introduce the CSV module and show you how to read and write CSV files. As a demo, we will analyze.


I have written severaltimes about the usefulness of pandas as a data manipulation/wranglingtool and how it can be used to efficiently move data to and from Excel.There are cases, however, where you need an interactive environment for data analysisand trying to pull that together in pure python, in a user-friendly manner would be difficult.This article will discuss how to use xlwings to tie Excel, Python and pandas togetherto build a data analysis tool that pulls information from an external database,manipulates it and presents it to the user in a familiar spreadsheet format.

A Quick Excel Automation Intro

Excel supports several automation options using VBA. User Defined Functions (UDF)are relatively simple in that they take inputs and returns a single value.The more powerful option is a macro (or procedure) that can automate just about anythingExcel can do.

Despite the fact that UDF’s and macros are powerful, they are still written in VBA and thereare times when it would be useful to bring the power of python to our Excel-basedsolution. That’s where xlwings comes into play. At the simplest level, xlwings allowsus to glue python and Excel together in two main ways:

  • Control Excel from python
  • Call custom python code from within Excel

This article will focus on building an Excel worksheet that calls your custom python code.

The Problem

For this example, we are going to develop a simple modeling application thatwill allow someone to enter an account number and date range then return somesummarized sales information that has been transformed via pandas. The solution issimple but shows the power of this combination and how easily you could performmore complex data analysis.

Here’s a diagram of what we are trying to do:

Csv To Excel Python Downloadbackstage

The example shown below could easily be expanded to query multiple databases or interactwith any kind of file that python can read (CSV, Excel, json, etc.)

Convert Excel To Csv Python

Setting Up The Environment

For the purposes of this article, I will assume you are running the applicationon a Windows-based system. I highly recommend you use anaconda (or miniconda)as your distro of choice.

The first thing we need to do is install xlwings (assuming python+pandas are already installed):

xlwings is being constantly updated. This code is based on version 0.7.1.

There is a nice xlwings helper function called quickstart which will create a sample Excel fileand stub python file for you.

If you look in the newly created pbp_proj directory, you’ll see two files:

The future of graffitigraffiti movies & documentaries. The python file is empty and the Excel file looks empty but there has been somebehind the scenes work done to make the excel to python interface easier for you.

To see what is put into the Excel file, open your newly created file in Excel andgo into Developer -> Visual Basic and you should see something like this:

You will notice that there are two modules - xlwings and Module1. The xlwingsmodule includes all the VBA code to make your custom code work. For the mostpart you should leave that alone. However, if you have issues with your configuration(like you can’t find python) then you can update the config information in this section.

The Module1 will have some default code that looks like this:

We will modify that in a moment to call our custom code. First, I want to create theExcel input fields.

For this application, we are going to allow the user to enter an accountnumber, start date and end date and will manipulate the sales date based on these inputs.

Here is the simple spreadsheet: Free 4 fold templates printable.

I have only made some minor formatting changes, there are no formulas in the cells.Be sure to save the changes to the Excel file.

For the next step, I’m going to create a short python function that illustrateshow to read data from Excel and write it back. I will be saving this in theempty file called pbp_proj.py

The program is simple and not very useful at this point. I think it is easierto develop a skeleton program in order to make sure all the “plumbing” is in place.The key thing to remember is that the file is called pbp_proj.py and thefunction is called summarize_sales.

To wire this all together, we need to define an Excel procedure to run our code:

The code is really concise just import the module and execute the function:

The final piece is to add a button to our sheet and assign it to theprocedure/macro RetrieveSales.

Once you have that in place, you should be able to press the button and see something like this:

The basic process is in place. We can read from Excel into a python program and usethat to output data back into Excel. Now, let’s make this a little more useful.

Reading From a Database

For this example, I’m going to use sqlalchemy to query a small sqlite db and read thatquery directly into a pandas dataframe. The nice thing about this approach is that ifyou decide that you want to query another database, you can just change the slqlalchemyengine and keep the rest of your code the same. For reference, the xlwings siteshows another example that should be helpful as a further reference.

Before proceeding with the code, make sure sqlalchemy is installed:

Here is how to connect to the sqlite engine by using the full path to the database:

Now that we have the engine, we can construct and execute the query and read theresults into a dataframe:

Once we have the data in the sales_data dataframe, we can do anything we want with it.For the sake of simplicity, I will do a simple groupby then a sum of the total spend:

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Fortunately xlwings “understands” a pandas dataframe so placing the value back inthe Excel sheet is straightforward:

That completes the round trip of data from Excel -> Python -> Excel.

Full Program

Here is the fully functioning code included in pbp_proj.py December 29th 2017 marcus reid age.

Csv To Excel Python

Csv To Excel Python Downloadbackstage

Csv To Excel Python

Here is a sample result:

All of the data, including the sqlite db is in my github repo.

Csv File To Excel Python


xlwings provides a useful capability to interact seamlessly with Excel from python.By using this code, you can easily build interactive tools for yourself orfor less technical users that pull data from multiple sources and analyze it inthe very familiar Excel environment. Once the structure is set up, it is really usefulto put all your complex logic and data analysis in the python file and harness allthe tools available in the python ecosystem. I hope that once you start to playwith this, you will find lots of opportunities to use this approach to bring pythonsolutions to some of your less technical users who are stuck using Excel as theironly tool for data analysis.
