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Conductors are directly involved in the safe and efficient movement of freight trains. A conductor’s job can include coupling railcars to build trains, delivering railcars to local customers, and transporting trains hundreds of miles. Conductors will operate locomotives when achieving promotion to Locomotive Engineer.

Signal Maintainers

Signal Maintainers are essential to the safe passage of trains. Successful signal maintainers utilize their knowledge of electronics/electrical systems to construct, test, and maintain wayside and crossing signals. A signal maintainer may start the shift by changing out light bulbs at a highway rail crossing, then perform scheduled maintenance near a rail side bungalow. The work shift may end after climbing a 45 foot tower to repair a malfunctioning signal.

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Track Laborers
Track Laborers build and maintain track along NS’ extensive rail network. Track laborers’ duties can include using hydraulic tools and heavy machinery, working locally or as part of a traveling work group. A track laborer’s day may include inspecting their territory, maintaining switches, or installing new rail.


Electricians perform diagnostic and repair work on diesel-electric locomotives. This work includes using electrical schematic drawings to troubleshoot, repair and modify electrical circuits. An electrician’s day may include performing maintenance on a traction motor, installing new equipment on a locomotive, or quickly troubleshooting electrical problems to ensure our customers’ freight is delivered on time.

Mechanical Laborers

Mechanical Laborers perform routine maintenance and service of locomotives and facilities. In the shop, mechanical laborers operate, inspect and refuel locomotives. A mechanical laborer’s day may start with moving locomotives around the shop and ends preparing locomotives for the awaiting train.

Freight Car Repairers

Freight Car Repairers ensure the safe movement of railcars through the consistent inspection and maintenance of the railcars. Repairers start their day inspecting and testing railcars, and may end their day using welding equipment to make repairs in the field or a repair shop.

Train Dispatcher

Dispatchers direct the safe movement of trains throughout their specific territory. A dispatcher’s day involves using constant radio communication and state-of-the-art technology from the dispatching command center to safely and efficiently direct the movement of trains.

Diesel Mechanics

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Machinists repair diesel-electric locomotive mechanical systems, including diesel engines, air brakes, and running gear. Those with experience in welding, hydraulics, and equipment maintenance are well-suited for this position. Limited use of machine tools makes these positions more mechanic-oriented.

Rail is the most fuel efficient way to transport goods over land. Norfolk Southern’s commitment to the environment doesn’t just stop there. To learn more about NS’s sustainability efforts, go to www.nssustainability.com.

Check DNS records on Windows with nslookup

Authored by: Rackspace Support

There are many reasons why you might need to check the status of your DomainName System (DNS) records. For example, you might need to verify that updatesare correct or troubleshoot issues with accessing a service.

If you’re a Cloud DNS user, you canview your DNS records through the Cloud ControlPanel. In addition, Microsoft® Windows®offers nslookup, a built-in tool for checking your DNS records from thecommand line.

To access nslookup, open a command prompt window by selecting Start >All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.

Check a DNS record

To check a specific DNS record, you need to specify the nslookup command,an optional record type (for example, A, MX, or TXT), and the host namethat you want to check.

Note: If you omit the record type, it defaults to A.

The following example shows how to check A records for rackspace.co.uk:

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The first two lines of output specify the server to which the requestwas directed. This server is the default server that your system uses for DNSname resolution.

The second section gives the name of the record and the corresponding InternetProtocol (IP) address. However, the answer in this section isnon-authoritative because it originates from a server(cachens1.lon.rackspace.com) that isn’t the root source for those records.

Get an authoritative answer

To get an authoritative answer you need to specify the authoritative (primary)name server at the end of the request.

Use the -type=soa option to tell nslookup to display theauthoritative name server, as shown in the following example:

The address labeled primary name server is the DNS authority for thedomain.

If you add the address of the authoritative name server(ns.rackspace.com) to the first command, the record is now checkedagainst that name server.

Check when a cached record expires

DNS uses caching, which reduces the load on authoritative name servers.However, as a result, records might be outdated. If the authoritative andnon-authoritative answers differ, you have a cached response from the resolvername server that you’re using. The length of time that a record is cacheddepends on its time-to-live (TTL) value. The TTL is a number that isspecified in seconds.

To see how long a record is cached, include the debug option, as shown inthe following example:

The response includes the following information:

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  • The first Got answer section of this example is used to get thehost name of the server from which you are requesting the A record.In this example, the host name is cachens1.lon.rackspace.com.
  • The second Got answer section relates to your actual request.
  • The HEADER section contains details about the type of request andits success.
  • The QUESTIONS section shows that the request was for A recordsfor rackspace.co.uk.
  • The ANSWERS section displays one record with an IP address of212.64.133.165 and a TTL of 279 seconds (4 minutes 39 seconds).
  • The AUTHORITY RECORDS section specifies the name servers thatcorrespond to the domain.
  • The ADDITIONAL RECORDS section lists A records for the name serversthat are listed in the authority records section.

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This response shows that the name server that the client computer uses willreuse the same A record for rackspace.co.uk for the next 4 minutes and 39seconds. If you run the same command on the authoritative name server, yousee the current maximum TTL for the record.

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