
Microsoft PowerPoint presentation templates allow you to easily create professional presentations and pitch decks. Choose from hundreds of free presentation templates based on the subject matter of your presentation or stylistic preferences. These beautiful presentation templates help you communicate ideas, pitch proposals, or outline plans.

  1. Presentations Ideas
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  3. Presentations In Spanish
Presentation high school
A speaker giving a presentation using a projector

A presentation is the process of communicating a topic to an audience. It is typically a demonstration, introduction, lecture, or speech meant to inform, persuade, inspire, motivate, or to build good will or to present a new idea or product.[1] The term can also be used for a formal[2] or ritualized introduction or offering, as with the presentation of a debutante. Presentations in certain formats are also known as keynote[3] address.


A presentation program is commonly used to generate the presentation content, some of which also allow presentations to be developed collaboratively, e.g. using the Internet by geographically disparate collaborators. Presentation viewers can be used to combine content from different sources into one presentation. Some of the popular presentation products used across the globe are offered by Apple, Google and Microsoft.

Daily five rotationsguided reading 101 questions. Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides are effective tool to develop slides, though Google Slides allows groups to work together using Google Drive to update each account as it is edited. Content such as text, images, links, and effects are added into each of the presentation programs to deliver useful, consolidated information to a group.

Presentations Learn everything you want about Presentations with the wikiHow Presentations Category. Learn about topics such as How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation, How to Give a Presentation, How to Plan a Presentation, and more with our helpful step-by-step instructions with photos and videos. Making and giving stellar presentations is an art form and here at Biteable we like to think we know a thing or two about what makes a good presentation. In this post, we’ll share all of our insider tips for presenting like a boss.

Presentations Ideas

See also[edit]


  1. ^'presentation | Definition of presentation in English by Oxford Dictionaries'. Oxford Dictionaries | English. Retrieved 2018-01-23.
  2. ^Baden Eunson: Writing and Presenting Reports. (The communication skills series), John Wiley & Sons, Australia 1998, ISBN978-0-4713-3563-4.
  3. ^'keynote | Definition of keynote in English by Oxford Dictionaries'. Oxford Dictionaries | English. Retrieved 2018-01-23.

External links[edit]

Definition of presentations
Content (types, audience, visual)
  • Daria Price Bowman. (1998). Presentations. Madison WI: F+W Publications Inc.
Retrieved from ''
'Preparation' means far more than just having your presentation deck in order and your handouts organized.
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

This article is included in Entrepreneur Voices on Elevator Pitches, a new book containing insights from both sides of the board room to help you craft the perfect pitch. Buy it online fromAmazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | IndieBound

As a professional speaker, I get many chances, as I travel around the country, to see other people give presentations. With professional speakers, the presentations are always well done and professional. And of course they should be; these people are professionals!

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But, sadly, I often see exactly the opposite with others: presentations that are boring, dull and dry and go on way too long, with the presenter exhibiting terrible speaking skills as well as a plethora of anesthesizing PowerPoint slides. You know what I’m talking about because you've seen it.

The point here is more important than any individual conference or meeting: In fact, I believe that in order to be a successful leader and entrepreneur, you have to become skilled at giving presentations like a pro. Here are eight tips on how to do that.

1. Properly prepare.

I know that you’re thinking that 'preparation' means having your presentation deck in order and your handouts organized, but that is not what I mean at all.

What I refer to here is the need for a careful analysis of audience members to know whom you’re speaking to, and what they are expecting or needing from the presentation. Take time to talk to the person who invited you in the first place, to obtain a full and complete analysis of who will be in the room. Obviously, the presentation for roomful of CEOs will be different than a presentation for a group of front-line workers.

2. Start with a bang, not a whimper.

I have seen many presenters start out their presentations by giving their name and the title of the program and then saying, “Let’s get started.” I promise you, if you start out your presentation with just such a boring beginning, you'll lose your audience before you start.

We live in an era of high entertainment, and when we sit people in a room to watch a presentation, we need our presentations to start with a bang. You can start with a compelling quote, a great story, a stunning statistic or even a provocative question. The key is to get people's attention. Then you can introduce yourself and your topic.

Also use these tools to close out your presentation with a bang as well, because people do remember the beginning and the end of everything.

Related: 10 Honest and Completely Helpful Tips for Hitting a Public-Speaking Homerun

3. Recognize that the space is part of your presentation.

In many instances, I have seen the space become a barrier to the presentation being effective. Either the room was too crowded, it was set up the wrong way or the speaker was tied to the podium because that was the only place a microphone was available.

Make sure to check out in advance the space where you’re going to be presenting, to see its limitations. Additionally, arrive early the day of your presentation so that you can solve any room or space problems that exist before your presentation starts.

4. Please get rid of the PowerPoint.

it seems to me that everyone giving presentations these days is in love with PowerPoint. To me, there are several issues here -- the main one being that PowerPoint quickly becomes sleep-inducing, because people are staring at a screen, and often the lights have been dimmed so the PowerPoint can be seen more clearly: an invitation to everyone to take a nap.

I personally believe you’d be much better off with a couple of handouts than you would hypnotizing people with PowerPoint. I also think most people giving presentations have way too many slides and try to click through 97 of them in 35 minutes. This in my opinion is a disaster.


Finally, most people believe that their PowerPoint is their presentation, when the reality is that the PowerPoint is supposed to be a supplement to illustrate key points. What's more, people actually use PowerPoint as a script for their presentation, and read from the screen. This makes audience members want to run screaming from the room.

5. Make it a conversation, not a presentation.

I think that when you’re designing a presentatio, you should have a couple of points where you have interaction with the audience, in order to have a conversation instead of just a presentation. This makes the presentation much more useful and interesting for the audience members. They have a chance to ask questions and actually talk to you like a human being instead of a presentation robot.

6. Use stories.

Great presenters tell stories that captivate the attention of the audience -- but here’s something you shouldn't forget: The stories are not just stories for stories' sake. They illustrate the key points that you are discussing. This makes the presentation much more memorable.


7. Get some coaching.

Every professional speaker I’ve spoken with has told me he or she used a professional coach at some point to help with presentation skills. Join Toastmasters to learn better presentation skills, find out if your company offers training for presentation skills, attend a presentation skills class somewhere in your community. Or use a private coach to help you polish your skills.


I guarantee you that if you do thee things, you’ll get amazingly better results because you've had someone give you feedback in an objective way on what you do well, and what you need to improve on.

8. Evaluate.

Each time you give a presentation, either ask a trusted colleague to observe your presentation and give you feedback, or if that is not possible, at least take time after every presentation to review what you believe went well and what could be improved.

Presentations online, free

Related: Want to Be Better On Camera? Join Us for a Livestream Chat With Public Speaking Guru Jill Schiefelbein

Presentations In Spanish

This evaluation will help ensure that you continue to improve and take one step closer to being a presentation pro.