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Revolutions is a revolution in filmmaking and special effects. It's also the kind of ending to the trilogy that we all wanted to see. The story really moves along in the final chapter, and it feels better paced than the last movie and even better than the first Matrix film. There have been some movie reviewers that haven't given this movie its fair due; that's OK, they usually are a bunch of sci-fi hating and/or misunderstanding self righteous drama loving bigots. If you liked any of the other Matricies, you will LOVE this one even more. I suggest not reading any reviews of the movie, and don't let anyone talk about it near you. You don't want it ruined, it's one to definitely see 'cold'. It has lots of hidden messages and intriguing but obtuse and wordy dialog about choices and fate and the One and all that stuff. Agent Smith has some prime moments that all can cherish. Neo and Trinity are real humans and it shows, and Neo is great but not a superman, he has weaknesses and sometimes can't decide. This is the most fun of the Matricies, and by the ending the most powerful and meaningful.

3: Storm Of Chaos - The Loremaster's Journal

See Below For The Best Explanations of The Matrix!
(Movie ending given away, do not read if you haven't seen the film yet!)

Revolutionsmr Volkmar's Course Pages

Matrix Revolutions Explained

I was going to write an in depth explanation of the Matrix world, but someone has already beaten me to it. Download mac os x yosemite iso. This is written by Please do not email him. The original message/page can be found here. ©

by ( movies profile )Nov 6, 2003
I apologize if my email does not follow the rules of this forum, but I felt I could offer you a very clear explanation of the Matrix series in light of reading your reviews of the Matrix Revolutions. The bottom line is people don't understand it. So this is a crash course for anyone who wants answers. Real one's, not some fanboys idea of what it's about. Please note, SPOILERS ARE ALL THROUGH THIS REVIEW.
Here we go with the basics.
Zion is real! The Matrix is not.
The Matrix was designed to provide a mental stimulus for the human bodies connected to the machines as a source of power. This is the sixth version of the Matrix. There have been multiple versions of the Matrix because of a flaw in the program (kinda of like Windows). That flaw is giving individuals the ability to choose.
The first Matrix was designed as a perfect uptopia (see pt. I - Smith explains it to Morpheus; pt. II - The Architect explains it again) but humans did not accept it as real so they just kept waking up. It was redesigned to reflect our civilization at it's last stage before it was taken over by the machines (the year 1999).
The Architect's problem with this new design (the anomoly)of the Matrix is that it require individuals to think freely, i.e. choice. It was the Oracle that suggested he redesign the Matrix in this way. But since humans have choices, so must the programs sent to watch over them, i.e. The Agents, thus bringing us the problem that is Mr. Smith. In Reloaded, The Architect continues to speak of the anomoly he is unable to get rid of, which is why at some point, he feels the only solution is to destroy the Matrix and those who are aware of it (the people of Zion) and start from scratch again.
The Oracle says it clearly in Revolutions. Mr. Smith is the result of the anomoly trying to balance itself. Mr. Smith began to think freely (see part I where he is freaking out while interrogating Morpheous) and the result was a negative one. Realize this, he is a similar program to the One so he is far more dangerous than a normal individual who makes bad decisions. Mr. Smith's virus like behavior happened in EVERY VERSION OF THE MATRIX. The result would always lead to the same thing -- a system crash if they didn't quickly reboot the system. The same knee jerk reaction you have when you realize someone has sent you a virus.
The One program was created to solve this problem. But each version of the One ultimately failed. Neo is different, in Reloaded he choose the door that led to Trinity, not the door that RESETS the program. Note: The Architect even noticed that Neo's experience in the Matrix was different than all the rest, realizing he was the first of them to fall in love.
Onto Revolutions:
Neo's choice has changed everything. The system is still threatened by Smith's behavior, so the Oracle makes a new choice; one she has never done before because no version of the One has ever chosen the difficult path as opposed to easy one of just resetting the system. She allows herself to become merged with Smith in the HOPE that she'll be able to help Neo when the time is right.
Neo makes another unique choice. He goes to the machines and asks for PEACE as opposed to simply destroying the system by going through the opposite door as all other versions of the One did. It was a simple as that to save Zion. Machines don't need very long to process that this may be a better idea than just constantly resetting the system.
At the end, Smith says to Neo the movies tagline - 'Everything that has a beginning has an end,' as the Oracle is speaking to Neo through Smith. Neo realizes it all along, the only way to end this is to sacrifice himself. The Oracle noted that Neo and the Source (the computer mainframe, the Architect they're all one and the same so don't get confused) are connected which is why he can control machines outside the Matrix. He uses this connection to his advantage. He becomes a Mr. Smith and since all the Smith's are connected, the Source now has a lock on Smith and simply deletes him. Pretty simple huh?
For those that like to dig deeper, than note the biblical references throughout the series. Heck, the French Man (Merovigchian) is the Devil, just read the elevator button Morpheous presses when he goes to see him for the second time. The Architect represents God - i.e. the creator of the world and its destroyer whenever things don't go as he wants. He even has you to chose a select group of people to restart Zion again sort of like Noah's Ark. Neo is Jesus, the one who realizes that peace and love is the answer, not war. And the Oracle represents the Holy Spirit - the conciousness that resides in all of us. It's a deep trilogy if you PAY ATTENTION.


Another good explanation from

Many people have written me saying how confused they were by the end of the Matrix Revolutions. Many others that they hated the ending. Well, it may not be the ending many wanted, but it's the only way it could have ended the arc.
Here's something that many of us wanted to see: Neo fighting the million Agent Smiths, and finding a way to destroy each and every one. Saving the people in the Matrix and bringing them to Zion. Being the hero of the people. Superman.
What would have happened?
Destroying the Smiths, but not himself: He's a hero. He flies off triumphantly, with the loss of Trinity to sit with for the rest of his life, lest he find another girl.
Saving the people and bringing them to Zion: How many people can Zion sustain? The Matrix is a huge place, and saving everyone at once would create chaos for the city of Zion. All the newly free people would try to adjust to finding out that their lives were all simulations, and also figuring out how to live in the Real World
Clearly that scenario has a major problem, and it's not the fault of the storytelling, it's just that it's being realistic.
Now, what happened:
Neo and Smith have it out, after Neo exchanges Peace for Agent Smith's head with the Deus Ex Machina. As the fight is waged, Neo hears the words of the Oracle again. 'Everything that has a beginning, has an end.'
Here we must jump back for a bit.
In the first film, Neo jumps inside of Agent Smith, and tries to delete him, but in doing so, copies a part of himself onto Smith. Smith is now upgraded, and can copy himself onto anyone in the Matrix.
In Reloaded, Neo is almost copied onto by Smith, and he describes it as the same feeling that he had when he was back in the hallway in 'The Matrix' when Smith shot him. 'It felt like dying.'
Back to the fight, he knew that he must sacrifice himself to destroy Smith. Neo was plugged into the Source, and Smith was beyond the control of the Source.
Smith's purpose was to stop Neo. We were told that any program without a purpose was deleted or removed. Smith, upon killing Neo, no longer had a purpose.
Once Smith copied himself onto Neo, killing him, the Deus Ex Machina upgraded the Matrix code, as the Architect said would happen. Smith was deleted. The Matrix reloaded. Smith, and all of his copies disappeared, but the programs that were copied onto returned to normal. Sati, the Oracle, but not Neo. Neo was not a program, which is why his body wasn't lying there when the reload happened. If all the human's that Smith copied himself onto were there at the end, when Sati woke up, this would be disputable. However, there was only Sati and the Oracle out of millions. Smith hadn't taken over everyone, as can be seen based on the time they took Neo to see the Oracle.
The revolution was complete. The cycle of the One. The first film was his slimy birth, and coming to know that he is the One. The second was about life, and the knowledge that comes with it. The third about death. Neo's story is over. The A.I. will free anyone that discovers the truth about the Matrix. The people in the Real World will live on.
All that they ever wanted was peace, from the first film, to the third. The purpose of the One wasn't to free everyone from the Matrix. It never was. It was just how we perceived it based on the words used. 'So, you're here to save the world.' The world that Cypher was referring to, was not the people inside the Matrix, but rather the people of Zion, and to end the war.
but that ending sucks!
You'd think so, but the character arc is based loosely on Christ, correct? Now, what did people want Jesus to do? Go and kick some butt. But He didn't. He died humbly. Neo's humility in offering himself and dying for the peace of the world was something that not many wanted so see, or simply didn't understand.
' for this is the day.. ..that a Superman died'
We never wanted to have to watch Trinity die. We didn't want Neo to die. We don't like seeing people at their weakest. They are our heroes, and heroes never die, right? We wanted the humans to destroy the machines. We wanted Vengeance. What we got instead, was peace. We got what we least expected, but what we should have expected from the start. Everyone was brought to their knees, some survived, but all suffered. And in the end, there is peace, and a chance to breathe.